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Project »CESLA - Cross-border implementation of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicles in Slovenia and Austria«

17. avgust 2009, Maribor, TECES

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In May the three-year project »CESLA - Cross-border implementation of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicles in Slovenia and Austria« was launched. It was approved for co-financing by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Programme Slovenia-Austria 2007-2013 published in June 2008 by the Office of the Government of Slovenia for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy.

Through partner networking, exchange of knowledge, and presentation of demonstrative models in the market environment on both sides of the border, the Consortium seeks to enhance and utilise existing resources, and to find possibilities and needs of the environment in the field of environmentally friendly vehicles. Through technological knowledge and experience, it wishes to add environmentally friendly products with high value added to the existing market, and to ensure its development at the same time, while providing companies with access, and ensuring sustainable development of attractive tourist regions in the cross-border area. Namely, in the regions of Slovenia and Austria, there are existing industrial, educational and research structures for electrical vehicles, which the project partners seek to develop up to the level of the competent cross-border region for ultra-light vehicles.   

Description of project activities and expected results:

  • Development of starting points and a joint development strategy,
  • Technical preparation of sample models,
  • Pilot implementation and presentation of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicles,
  • Training courses and further networking of all interested stakeholders (SMEs, industry, tourist providers, municipalities, etc.) for joint cross-border market development and joint marketing activities, mutual exchange of information, knowledge and skills related to environmentally friendly technologies,
  • Dissemination, promotion and awareness raising on the use of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicles.

Direct results of the CESLA project will be demonstrated by functional sample models of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicles (single-seat, two- and more-seat vehicles), by public presentations and demonstrations of ultra-light vehicle use, sample refilling stations set-up, the web portal for ultra-light vehicles, and by training courses delivered to target groups of SMEs.

Implementation of the proposed project will strengthen the image of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicles to be used in tourism, and stimulate expansion of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicle use also in public and business sectors.

More about project: http://www.cesla.eu

Project info:

Name of the project: 
Cross-border implementation of environmentally friendly ultra-light vehicles in Slovenia and Austria 

Project acronym:

Lead partner:
TECES, Research and Development centre for electric machines, Pobreška cesta 20, SI-2000 Maribor www.teces.si

Project partners: 
  • University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor www.feri.uni-mb.si 
  • University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor www.fs.uni-mb.si 
  • Maribor Development Agency, Pobreška cesta 20, SI-2000 Maribor www.mra.si  
  • Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilitat - Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR gemeinnuetzige GmbH, Schoenaugasse 8A, A-8010 Graz www.fgm.at  
  • Fachhochschule Karnten, Standort Villach (CUAS - Carinthia University of Applied Sciences), Europastrasse 4, A-9524 Villach 1St. Magdalen www.cuas.at

Project duration:
01.05.2009 - 30.04.2012

Project value:
871.587,92 EUR

ERDF co-financing:
719.323,48 EUR

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