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About TECES Internal Portal

TECES Internal Portal is intended for the TECES internal needs and it shall be particularly used for simplification of the work and co-ordination of the bodies, project or working groups inside TECES.

  • TECES Bodies
  • The persons participating in different TECES bodies (Council of the Institution, R&D Title Awarding Commission, Execution Group, …) shall have an opportunity for a simple access to all documents related to their activity (session material and minutes, adopted acts, rules, other documentation, …).

  • TECES Project Groups
  • In case of joint project implementation, members of the project and working groups shall be provided with a fast access to all relevant documents (minutes of meetings, reports on accomplished work, other documentation, …), which shall improve the traceability and control over the implementation of the specific project.
Browsing and accessing the Internal Portal Contents
Browsing of the TECES Internal Portal contents and access to its individual segments shall be intended only for registered IPT users participating in different TECES activities and having thus an access to special contents of the Portal.

In the event of access by a registered user who has no right to access the intended content, such user shall be re-directed to the IPT home page. For additional information about the access levels, please, click here.

For additional explanation, or in case you think you are entitled to specific Internal Portal contents, please, contact the IPT administrator.

You have to log in and have permission to access protected internal portal content.
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