Access Levels at TECES Information Portals
Specific contents of the TECES Information Portals (IPT), including also the SIHFC Portal, are often available to specific
groups of the IPT users only, which primarily depends on the involvement of the user with the TECES or SIHFC activities.
Association of individual users to a specific group and, consequently, their permission to access, shall be checked through
their logging-in by entering their user name and password.
Type of users
At IPT, it is mainly distinguished between two types of users – non-logged users (guests) and logged users:
- non-logged user (guest)
Guests are all visitors not logged in the IPT by their own user name. For guests, there apply certain restrictions in
the IPT use – they cannot sign for delivery of messages (news, TECES or SIHFC communications, …) and they experience
a restricted access to the articles and data published for the public.
- logged user
Logged user is each user, which has obtained a free user name.
These registered users have access to most of the IPT contents published for the public. The logged users may review and edit
their own data, sign for delivery of e-messages (communications on events, news, activities, projects, TECES and SIHFC
training courses, …).
In addition, based on their involvement in different TECES or SIHFC bodies or project groups, the logged users are enabled
to access the contents intended for the implementation of such activities (details are shown below).
Access levels based on the user status
The contents of certain IPT pages is intended for reviewing or editing by the users, which are either
involved in individual TECES
or SIHFC activities or employed by the companies or institutions holding a special status, which may take a form of business
cooperation with TECES as a member or a SIHFC partner, or a form of the person paying or ordering specific services.
- Registered and logged users
Such users are all users, which have obtained their user names and passwords to log in the IPT. The access level is determined
based on their involvement in the TECES or SIHFC activities, e.g., a member of the TECES Council of the Institution, member
of the SIHFC Executive Committee, a working or project group, …
In case of such user, the box on the right side of IPT shows all shortcuts enabling fast access to such contents.
In the event of a user of such type, the field for organisation in the personal data settings may be adjusted in any manner.
Adjustments of this field have no impact on the access level, as the access rights and levels for such users shall be
determined by the IPT administrator, based on the presented and noticed users’ activities.
- Registered and logged user from an organisation with a special status
Such users are the users, which have obtained their user name and password to log in the IPT.
The access level is determined based on a special status held by such organisation, in which they are
employed, e.g., the company is a founder or member of TECES or a SIHFC partner, it pays certain services, …
In the event of a user of such type, the field for organisation in the personal data settings may not be
changed, as it acts as a basis for establishment of the rights to access to individual IPT contents.
Such users may also have an opportunity to use specific web pages for administration and editing of the IPT contents.
If you think that you fit among the users, which should have an additional access level available based on a special status of your
organisation in relation with TECES or SIHFC, please, inform about it the IPT administrator at the address