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2000 Maribor, Slovenija

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TECES’ fields of activities / competences

TECES is divided into:

  • Advanced Project Office
    Is primarily focused on the activities of integration and the creation of strategic development partnerships (clustering), where TECES acts as an umbrella integrator and facilitator of activities of multiple partners to ensure the successful implementation of basic research, research and development, technology development and demonstration projects of partners (the details of the activities TECES in the field of creation of development partnerships "see partnership").

  • Research and Development (R&D) Department
    With its own development competencies and solutions in the field of power converters, electric drives and power electronics, the group is directed towards supporting development of clients’ custom products or as a development partner in project consortia.

Research and Development (R&D) Department
Active support of TECES’ clients in development of custom products. ideja_do_prototipa

Product development: from the idea until prototype

  • overview of pre-exsistent solutions on a market and in patent collections,
  • design concept,
  • specifying a product together with a customer,
  • modelling, dynamic simulation, FEM simulation,
  • prototype manufacturing and testing,
  • creating documentation,
  • industrialisation support.

The majority of competences cover the comprehensive area of developing power converters, power electronics, and electric drives (electric motors, electronics), control algorithms, mechatronic assemblies...

Power electronics teces_mocnostna

  • Analysis and synthesis of different converter types: AC/DC, DC/AC, DC/DC using different topologies and switching modes (hard/soft switching);
  • Schematics and PCB design of control boards using different MCUs/DSPs and power boards;
  • Software and algorithms;

teces_konstruiranje Mechanical construction

  • development, design and optimization of mechanical and thermal characteristics of components (FEM, CFX);
  • actuators and mechanisms / apparatus;
  • cooling systems;

Project Office fields of activity

Clustering, development partnerships, management & coordination.

Application success rate of more than 90% in national frameworks between 2001 and 2014.



The majority of competences cover:
  • integration of requirements, needs and capabilities of Slovenian industry and research organizations, interest groups in line with national or regional development policies;
  • management and coordination of multiple partners in the areas of technological development cooperation;
  • knowledge of the preparation and the implementation of various types of publicly funded projects;
  • networking and pooling of the partners in areas of technological development in national and European framework;
  • knowledge of the capabilities, competences and solutions of Slovenian companies and research organizations
  • impact on the development of national strategic and development documents as the basis for the disbursement of EU development funds.

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»Striving for Cluster Excellence«

TECES awarded with »Cluster Management Excellence Label SILVER – Dedicated to Cluster Excellence«
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