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Event 'Technology bridge to India'

11. december 2014, Tehnološki Park Ljubljana, Tehnološki park 19, Ljubljana

The event presents a summary of implemented activities, where Slovenia was presented between 20 and 21 November as "Hi.Tech Slovenia" at the international event in India, titled "Knowledge Expo 2014".

The uniform and content related presentation of scientific-research projects, technologies and solutions of Competence Centers and Centers of Excellence as well as products and offers of individual firms. Slovenia has taken another important step forward in the promotion of own technological-innovation environment and potential, and presented as country where investment in technology, knowledge and innovation is redeemed to foreign investors.

The participants of the Hi.Tech Slovenia event in India will in first hand present concrete initiatives for cooperation for both the companies, and as well the other stakeholders which recognised the internationalization of knowledge and technologies, its opportunity for growth, especially at the attractive and extensive, but at the same time challenging the Indian market.

Participation confirmation: here

        Vabilo na dogodek - Tehnološki most z Indijo 2014.pdf (482,0 KB)
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