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1. EVERGO - International symposium on electric vehicles

23. oktober 2009, Ljubljana, Hotel Mons

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We would like to inform you that the 1st International Symposium EVERGO: "Electric vehicles - the global response to global pollution” will be organised.

The international symposium will highlight the issues and opportunities that relate to the introduction, validation and the development of electrical vehicles (EVs). It will emphasize the importance that EVs have in reduction of the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions. 

The symposium will show knowledge and guidance in the field of EVs, and accompanying open energy issues. The lecturers will be distinguished experts and owners of the process of introducing EVs into the public transport.

EVERGO is organized by the Association for Electric Vehicles Slovenia - DEVS on the 23th October 2009 in Hotel Mons in Ljubljana.

For the event you can register at this address, where the tour program and the presentation of confirmed speakers are presented.

More info on this address: www.evergo.si
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