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SPRINT - Creating supportive environment for strengthening Innovative and Technological potential in cross-border area

30. junij 2011, Maribor

April 2011 saw the start of the implementation of a two-year project titled SPRINT – Creating a supportive environment for strengthening the innovative and technological potential in the cross-border area, under way within the 2007 – 2013 Slovenia – Croatia Operational programme of cross-border collaboration, co-funded by the European Union as part of the Instruments of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA).

The purpose of the project is to encourage innovative activity at companies in the less developed area along the border between Slovenia and Croatia. Considering the global trends and the universal presence of the crisis, it is clear that long-term and sustainable development of the Podravska – Pomurska region is only possible through boosting innovation – which means, by introducing new ideas and technologies in business and production processes at companies. To improve the economic and social position, the added value generated by the regional economy must rise significantly. As business partners, we will join forces in collecting, organising and systematising data on innovative and development-oriented companies, competences of research institutions, existing incentives for innovation and development on both sides of the border, and prepare proposals for improving the system of support activities for innovative companies on the path from product development to greater competitive advantage.

Long-term economic cooperation of the countries involved is an advantage of the programme area.

On the Slovenian side, the project implementation activities have begun. The first event dedicated to innovative and development-oriented companies has already taken place. The purpose of the meeting was primarily to hear the voices of companies who are, or wish to become, stakeholders of development.

Project info:

Ustvarjanje podpornega okolja za okrepitev inovativnega in tehnološkega potenciala na čezmejnem področju


REDEA d.o.o. – Regionalna razvojna agencija Međimurje

01.04.2011 – 31.03.2013

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