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TECES with partners for the CC-SURE operational strategy 2014-2020

28. februar 2014, Maribor

Click for larger picture (65,0 KB) Field of efficient energy use and energy conversion in Slovenia requires further joint development strategy for the financial perspective 2014-2020.

Currently we are positioned in several strategic documents at the national level as holder of competence center and national innovation mechanism, but in the turbulent environment of Slovenian reality we cannot count on anything other than our own effort and hard work.

CC-SURE is engaged in the development of competences and technologies for the creation of advanced energy-efficient products and solutions in accordance with the development of smart communities and smart grids. Activities were focused on developing products from the field of electrical industries and its solution providers. In the joint development activities, we realized more than 24 market-oriented products, which have already been put on the market.

The state of technology development on the field is progressing daily. Therefore, for the insurance of global competitive advantage of Slovenian technology products in the future, is it necessary to provide an Operational Strategy for the CC-SURE2.

Therefore, in accordance with TECES facilitating role, to cope with the development of field and the upcoming new challenges in the first round, the 1st Meeting of existing TECES and KC-SURE partners was held on 30th of January, 2014 in Ljubljana at GZS. At the meeting, the proposal of the development of the KC-SURE for the Period 2014 – 2020 was presented.

We gathered meaningful, substantive proposals of TECES & KC-SURE & additional partners for 2020 on the field of efficient energy use and its conversion, including:

  • Efficient energy use at the level of products (smart home appliances, ventilation systems, heating and cooling, energy-efficient small appliances and power tools, energy reservoirs ...) as well as the automation and informatisation at the system level of residences (Smart Homes), buildings (Smart Buildings) and eg. factories (Smart Factories) ...
  • The rational exploitation of the renewable energy sources potential (sun, wind, water, ...) in combination with conventional sources (cogeneration, gas, ...) and (quasi-) storage of electricity (electric mobility), both at the micro-as well as the system level (network)
  • The power management of active users (prosumers) and the management response use of active users
  • Advanced metering infrastructure with smart meters for users (Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
  • Introduction of the concept of smart (or active) electricity networks (Smart Grid)

Link to the full document
According to our integrating role between firms and research organizations in the development of globally competitive solutions, we want to strengthen, together with existing and new partners the preparation of joint development strategy in accordance to the baseline of smart specialization and orientations of the EU to continue the work established in the CC-SURE.

Joint development guidelines for the period 2014-2020 of CC-SURE2 will be focused primarily on the development of competences and technologies to support market and application-oriented development, demonstration and pilot projects, and opportunities for co-financing of R&D programs from public funds of the Republic of Slovenia, EU Horizon 2020 and other sources.

This document was created to facilitate the presentation of substantive areas of operation KC-SURE v2.0 2014-2020 and serves as a starting point for substantive preparation of projects and facilitation of the search for strategic research agendas among potential partners TECES & KC-SURE and other holders of competences and technologies in Slovenia.

The ultimate goal is the preparation of the KC-SURE v2.0 2014 to 2020 operational plan, containing

  • further expansion and development plan of competences and technologies with new partners,
  • proposals for development & investment & demonstration of pilot projects.
All projects covered by the operational plan should be based on strategic development and market orientation of companies, which will in turn lead to the expected investment of the companies.

Familiarize yourself with KCSURE v2 starting points!
Link to TECES_KC-SUREv2_izhodisca_2014-2020_20140206.pdf
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