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eQute - The cute and urban mini-car proposal submitted to the GV-5-2014, Green Vehicles

1. september 2014

TECES Research and Development Center of Electrical Machines has in line to its vision "To become an internationally recognized Slovenian mechanism of fostering partnerships in the development of high-tech products in the field of electrical drives", assembled a strong consortium of 8 project partners, the candidate with the project application eQute - The cute and urban mini-car to Horizon 2020 call, Theme Green Vehicles. The results will be known in the course of the next three months - until the end of 2014.

General information about the proposal:
The vehicle concept named "eQute" in project proposal represents a quadricycle of L6e and L7e category, where electric propulsion, environment-friendliness, energy efficiency, design simplification, affordability and jobs preservation are of major challenges to be addressed. The participants of the proposed consortia were carefully chosen so they could face these challenges in order to build the urban electric vehicle. (not translated)

eQute consortium partners:

The efforts of eQute partnership are supported by:

  1. Municipality of Maribor,
  2. DEVS - Slovenian Electric Vehicle Association

  1. IAM – Institut für Technologie und alternative Mobilität
  2. Office of the Regional Government of Carinthia, Department 7 - Competence Centre for Economic Law and Infrastructure
  1. Municipality of Sanok,

  1. The Croatian Chamber of Economy
  2. Croatian Agency for SMEs and Investment
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