Slovenian HiTech visit to EBTC in Bangalore
24. november 2014, Bangalore, India, source TECES
On Monday, Nov 24th 2014, Matej Gajzer, CEO, TECES, also Head of competence centre Advanced Systems of Efficient Use of Electrical Energy (CC SURE) and Tomaž Vidonja, CEO, competence centre IoT – Internet of Things (OpComm) visited the European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC) in Bangalore.
This meet was conducted as a follow-up of the webinar "Sharing Slovenian expertise in ICT for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency" which was organized by EBTC on 07 October 2014. The webinar is available at the link here.
The visiting team learned from EBTC Regional Director Ms. Leena Pishe and Technology Manager Mr. Raghavendra Mysore about the EBTC's services including European Technology Experience Centre (ETEC) and how EBTC can support Slovenian companies in managing and commercializing its technologies in India.
Two out of seven competence centres, members of CoCoSi – Competence Centres of Slovenia, visited the ETEC, (part of EBTC – European Business Technology Centre) in Bangalore in order to further explore the opportunities of cooperation between India and Slovenia.
The SURE competence centre is run and managed by the TECES, the IoT competence centre is run and managed by the ICT Technology Network Institute, a Slovenian ICT cluster, respectively. It was the third face to face meeting of the EBTC and CoCoSi in the last year, the second one in India, and the first one after the successful webinar held in the beginning of October this year on Micro grids.
Solutions for Indian's energy challenges, technologies for micro grids are also the greatest potential for Slovenian companies and innovation centres to start working with Indian companies on the short run together with EBTC. There are three basic applications for these technologies, which will be addressed together: industrial clusters, villages and telecom towers.
First steps are expected to be made together with EBTC and CII's SPEED project. SPEED stands for Smart Power for Environmentally Sound Economic Development project which is led by CII's Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre from Hyderabad. The visiting also met EBTC's partner Steinbeis India which is keen to support Slovenian technologies primarily in industry automations and renewable energy space, an educational institution through its software company who is keen to explore ICT technologies for Transport industry and an Indian entrepreneur who is looking for ICT technologies for industrial applications and water management.
In addition to the micro grids solutions it has been discovered there is potential to cooperate also in particular other areas of the Cleantech program managed by the EBTC, especially those supported with the ICT and Internet of Things technologies, like smart metering, community building and sensor based, web and mobile applications enabling higher efficency, cleaner solutions and less power cut-offs.
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