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TECES at the closing conference of the project SmartMEDParks in Malaga

28. januar 2015, Malaga, Spain

On the invitation of the Local Energy Agency Ptuj (LEA Ptuj) has TECES in between 27th and 28th of January 2015, attended the closing conference of the SMART-MED-PARKS project in Malaga, Spain.

The event was dedicated to the review of implemented project activities, to strengthen and broaden the partnership in the future and most important to overview of the possibilities of business cooperation partners in the field of energy-efficient systems and smart grids.

TECES attended as a multi-carrier of Slovenian development partnerships in the field of efficient use of electricity and as a business partner for developing exciting new ideas and business opportunities, what was also the main motivation for the TECES participation.

Project SMART-MED-PARKS is a pilot project for the introduction of smart grids at technology and science parks, aiming to increase energy efficiency in science and technology parks and contribution to the development of self-sufficiency and the creation of sustainable production and consumption of energy model throughout the concept of smart grid.

Technologies and solutions for energy efficient use are key fields of activity for TECES and its partners, especially micro-networks, which represent the cross-sectional area of the use of energy-efficient systems in smart networks, smart building / home, e-mobility and smart city. On the field of micro-networks in particular the energy efficient systems as their building blocks, there are clearly expressed business interests of Slovenian companies and research organizations, based on established knowledge and products which have already been created for global markets of the Slovenian companies.

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