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TECES with partners successful in the tender of first Slovenian Smart Specialisation Strategy with the programme IQ HOME

8. avgust 2016, Maribor, Slovenija, source TECES

The public tender, the "RRI in chains and value networks"- Lot 1: "Promoting the implementation of the research - development programs (TRL 3-6)" has total of 53.6 million € of assets, which were distributed among nine RRI programs. Including the program IQ HOME - Intelligent home of the new generation designed on smart appliances and wood, where TECES in accordance with its TECES Partnership Strategy and Priority Fields participated in preparation of the tender and provision of the critical mass of partners to establish a work program of IQ HOME, particularly in the context of two research and development projects within the program.

Next to the linking function, with the aim of which TECES was established, we are included with our excellent R&D staff in the two research projects. The IQ HOME has 25 research and development projects and TECES is participating in “Advanced systems and products for energy management in intelligent buildings and homes - industrial research (TRL 3-4)” and “Advanced systems and products for energy management in intelligent buildings and homes - experimental development (TRL 5-6)”.
Here, the project is developing systems for energy management (EMS = BEMS, HEMS), which are focused on managing and optimizing the operation of a building or home in accordance with the energy strategy of the end user, while the systems are dynamically embedded in the energy strategy of the wider environment (building networks, communities, cities, regions) with which the EMS are constant interaction.

Currently, real systems for energy management in buildings BEMS-i (Building Energy Management Systems) and homes HEMS-i (Home Energy Management Systems) do not exist and do not allow forecasting of hazardous or undesirable operating conditions and their prevention. There are some remote-controlled automation systems, which partially and to a limited extent execute specific functionality BEMS and HEMS. They are able to adapt their operations to the requirements, which are derived from the superior system. With the increasing promotion of active modes of cooperation in smart cities, smart grids, there is a need for an integrated energy management system to the building or home considered as a whole and successfully represented the goals of its user.
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