TECES part of the »Hi.Tech Slovenia« national pavilion at Knowledge Expo 2014 in India
3. december 2014
On 20 and 21 November 2014 in New Delhi, India the biggest international event of this year was held on the theme of knowledge and its applications "Knowledge Expo 2014" in organisation of the Chamber of Indian Industry (CII).
With the aim of the commercialization of high-tech products and solutions, and higher growth in export of high-tech products the event was also attended by the Slovenian delegation under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MESS) and the Public Agency SPIRIT Slovenia, including the TECES delegation participating.
With the aim of the commercialization of high-tech products and solutions, and higher growth in export of high-tech products the event was also attended by the Slovenian delegation under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MESS) and the Public Agency SPIRIT Slovenia, including the TECES delegation participating.
Why Hi.Tech Slovenia
The aim of Slovenian national pavilion under theme "Hi.Tech Slovenia" was to connect the involvement of various stakeholders of the Slovenian national economy in joint participation to actively present technologies in fields and areas, which are presenting Slovenian businesses as most significant technological and business partners on the global level.
And Results?
The aim of Slovenian national pavilion under theme "Hi.Tech Slovenia" was to connect the involvement of various stakeholders of the Slovenian national economy in joint participation to actively present technologies in fields and areas, which are presenting Slovenian businesses as most significant technological and business partners on the global level.
- "100 Smart Cities", an Indian national program offered some collaborations for Slovenian technology companies that are prepared to share technologies, products and services "mapped" in the framework of smart cities and thus potentially enter as suppliers in implementing the project (scheduled for 2015 ). Slovenia has the potential and the opportunity that the agreement with Indian government would be set to the "allocation" of at least one smart city to the Slovenian operators.
- "SPEED – Smart Power for Environmentally Sound Economic Development", project of the Chamber of Indian Industries (CII), an invitation to Slovenian technology companies as suppliers of technologies, products and services to participate. Emphasis is set on photovoltaic solutions and micro-networks as an alternative to diesel generators for applications in industrial facilities and centers, homes and telecommunication towers.
- "Business-technology hub based in Slovenia for Europe", which has proved to be one of the very attractive opportunities for many foreign companies and organizations. Several major technology companies have expressed an interest and willingness to first business-technological investments in Slovenia, as the starting point for their European operations in the Heart of Europe.
- "Connecting with Indian clusters" expressed interest, allowing to connect clusters with each other and therefore not just individual companies, but to establish long-term cooperation in strategic sectors which are in the development interest of Slovenia. Most potential is currently evidented on ICT, Energy, Automotive industry, as well as Education and Health care.
- Poleg zapisanih priložnosti za sodelovanje, je bilo pridobljenih tudi precej drugih neposrednih priložnosti za sodelovanje, ki jih bodo udeleženci izkoristili v okviru svojih načrtov in v sodelovanju s svojimi partnerji.
Full report in attached
For more detailed information on business opportunities for your company (ICT, Energy, Automotive industry), please contact TECES at info@teces.si.
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