From 12 till 13 November, the largest and most recognised science- technology event in India GITA Annual Platform 2013, will take place in New Delhi. Event is organised by GITA (Global Innovat ...
In Ljubljana, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and the involvement of the new Ambassador of India to Slovenia Mr. Sarvajit Chakravarti the Sloveni ...
TECES, holder KC-SURE was delighted to accept the invitation of Mr. Janerz Škrlec from The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia to present its activ ...
TECES as holder of innovation mechanism of the Competence Center SURE and as an active facilitator was in the context of follow-on activities visited by the dispatcher operations Paul van O ...
Competence Center SURE on Advanced Systems of Efficient Use of Electrical Energy has supported the implementation of the 1st Slovenian-Hungarian Innovation Forum, organised ...
The event, Competence Centers The engine for powering the globally perspective industries, Spodnja Idrija strengthened the understanding about significance of Competence Centers as the mechani ...
»Striving for Cluster Excellence«
TECES awarded with »Cluster Management Excellence Label SILVER – Dedicated to Cluster Excellence«